No problems detected.

Server (API Backend)
60 days ago
99.8% uptime
Administrative Portal
60 days ago
100% uptime
60 days ago
99.93% uptime

Incidents in the past 7 days

  1. Oct 03

    No incidents on this day.

  2. Oct 02

    1. Server (API Backend) has recovered.

    2. Server (API Backend) appears to be down.

  3. Oct 01

    No incidents on this day.

  4. Sep 30

    1. Maintenance this evening

      Acid Remap will be performing maintenance and upgrades on our services on September 30, 2024 starting at 8:30 PM Pacific / 11:30 PM Eastern time.

      The API will be unavailable for a few minutes during the updates. Apps will still be usable, and downloaded data will remain available. Protocol downloads and other online functions will be unavailable during the maintenance window.

      There was originally a plan for a longer maintenance period, but that was postponed.

  5. Sep 29

    No incidents on this day.

  6. Sep 28

    No incidents on this day.

  7. Sep 27

    No incidents on this day.